Under the motto "Inclusion takes us further", various events will be held around Germany in the federal employment agencies as well as digitally. The aim is to raise awareness about the employment of people with disabilities and their needs and interests in the world of work. The BA is committed to seeing people with disabilities as part of the solution to the labour and skills shortages. A variety of support options help companies to train, hire or provide further education to people with disabilities.
Almost 40 per cent of companies completely fulfil their obligation to provide employment to severely disabled persons
Compared to all employers subject to the obligation to provide employment to severely disabled persons, 39 per cent fully comply with their legal obligation to provide employment to severely disabled people and another 35 per cent partially comply with this legal obligation. 26 per cent of companies subject to this obligation do not employ severely disabled people and have therefore not filled any of their legally defined obligatory staff positions. Companies with an average of at least 20 staff positions are legally obliged to employ severely disabled people in at least five per cent of the positions and to notify the relevant federal employment agency of this.
BA promotes occupational participation
The range of support instruments ranges from continuing vocational training to counselling in the choice of a career to support in taking up training and employment or paying an integration subsidy. In the period from January 2023 to July 2023, around 47,000 severely disabled people started a labour market policy measure, such as vocational training. Around 12,000 further subsidies were realised through one-off benefits, for example funding for the procurement of work aid for people with disabilities.
More than one million severely disabled persons subject to social security contributions
Severely disabled people work in all industries. A large proportion of the more than one million employed severely disabled people work in manufacturing, in the public sector or retail. More than half of the severely disabled people registered as unemployed have a professional qualification or university degree. The proportion of unemployed severely disabled people with completed vocational qualification is higher than that of non-severely disabled unemployed persons.