On 1 January 2024, the standard rate is to increase by 61 euros to 563 euros for single persons and from 451 to 506 euros per partner for couples. For non-working adults under 25 who live in their parents’ home, the rate is increasing to 451 euros, for young people aged 14 to 17 to 471 euros. Children aged 6 to 13 will receive 390 euros and children under 6 will receive 357 euros. The notices of decision for 2024 will be sent out starting the middle of December 2023. Due to the high number of notices, it is possible that sending them out will take until January 2024. If the approval decision takes until next year, no new application will be required.
A faster option are the Federal Employment Agency’s digital services for the job centres. If you have a user account and use the online services of jobcenter.digital, you can also receive the decisions online via the mailbox function. jobcenter.digital also offers a number of other great options to communicate with the job centre in a secure manner, to submit documents, to communicate changes and to make applications. With jobcenter.digital, all these things can be done simply, quickly and securely.
The “Standard Support Needs Update Ordinance 2024” adopted by the Federal Cabinet defines new standard rates to take effect as of 2024. With the Citizen's Income, the legislator has created a new basis for the calculation of the standard support needs. The extreme rise in the costs of living and energy prices were decisive factors here. In the calculation for 2024, price developments are now taken into account earlier. Needs will no longer be adjusted to inflation rates retroactively, but rather in a forward - looking manner.
Background SGB II
In October 2023, 5.38 million people in Germany received benefits under the second volume of the Social Code (SGB II). Almost three quarters of those eligible for standard benefits were able to work (3.91 million). 1.54 counted as persons entitled to benefits who were not currently capable of working. Persons entitled to benefits who are not currently capable of working are primarily children under 15 years of age.
The Citizen’s Income is paid out by the job centres. The job centres also provide support in the search for jobs and apprenticeships, and help people to enter and re-enter employment with new qualifications and further training.