The Family Benefits Office takes new steps to make things easier for families

From now on, families no longer need to take the initiative and apply for Child Benefit themselves after the birth of their child.

02 Jul 2024 | Press release no.30

Making things easier for families with newborns

Since the start of 2024, families have been sent a letter of welcome with a QR code from the Family Benefits Office immediately after the birth of their child. Via a personal access code, this leads directly to the online application form for Child Benefit, much of which is already filled out. The application can then be submitted on a completely paperless basis. This means that providing supporting documents is no longer required.

As a result, families no longer have to take the initiative themselves. They are sent a letter by the Family Benefits Office automatically shortly after the birth of the child.

Digital offers that simplify access to services

The services offered by the Family Benefits Office should be available to all of those entitled to support and be easily accessible. The Family Benefits Office is therefore expanding its online offering all the time. Applications for Child Benefit and the Child Allowance can be submitted completely online via BundID. The preferred type of identification can then be selected (for example: ELSTER, eID). All correspondence and supporting documents can also be sent in directly online.

Information on data protection and the services of the Family Benefits Office is available online at (available in German).