Training at a glance

New website brings together information and offers

23 Apr 2021 | Press release no.15

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The coronavirus crisis must not become a vocational training or skilled workers crisis. For this reason, the Federal Employment Agency (BA), together with its partners in the BA’s autonomous body, has created a new digital offering in the form of an internet platform.

The website is primarily aimed at young people. It brings together all the important information and offers related to vocational training in one convenient place: from tips for choosing a career and the online career exploration tool “Check-U” to personal talks with the career counsellor – for example, via video counselling – and more than 100,000 training place offers from the BA job exchange. In an event database, young people can also find virtual training fairs, speed dating and other (digital) events in their region. The offer is supplemented by personal experience reports and success stories from trainees.

In addition, employers, parents and teachers can also find tips and further links on the digital information platform. Vocational training companies, for example, can receive all important information on the federal programme “Securing Training Places” and can access the funding applications directly via a link.

Teachers can, among other things, download materials for career orientation lessons. Parents can find tips on how to support their children in choosing a career or what financial assistance is available.

One click also takes you to the training pages of the partners in the autonomous body:
The Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA) offers extensive support for teachers and companies in the area of vocational orientation through the  SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT network.

With “Dr. Azubi” the DGB Youth of the German Trade Union Confederation offers fast, anonymous and free support for all questions related to training.

The German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH) offers a direct route to a training place in the skilled crafts with its “Training Place Radar (Lehrstellenradar)”. There, young people interested in vocational training can find a lot more information, for example, on internships, and suitable contacts in their region.

The website is constantly being expanded and updated.


Further Information:


Current statistics on the training market:

Alliance for education and training (Allianz für Aus- und Weiterbildung):