02.01.2025 | Press release no.2
Review of 2024
Economic stagnation has a considerable impact on the labour market
01.01.2025 | Press release no.1
The labour market in December 2024
An increase in unemployment, although largely for seasonal reasons
20.12.2024 | Press release no.50
Child Benefit and Child Allowance to increase in January 2025
“The Family Benefits Office is implementing the new rates immediately and will pay them on schedule in January,” said Martina Rauch, Head of the BA Family Benefits Office. “The increases in the Child Benefit and the Child Allowance are an important contribution to the financial support for families.”
06.12.2024 | Press release no.49
Cloud tender: BA, DRV and DGUV award contract to multi-cloud broker Computacenter
Together with its two partners from the field of social insurance, the German Pension Insurance Association (DRV) and the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), the Federal Employment Agency (BA) is taking another major step forward in the cloud-based transformation of public administration.
29.11.2024 | Press release no.48
The labour market in November 2024
Poor economic growth hampers the labour market
21.11.2024 | Press release no.47
Digital Action Week For Greater Participation in Working Life of the Federal Employment Agency
More than 1.1 million persons with disabilities are currently in gainful employment in Germany. Accessing the labour market is often more difficult for people in this category than it is for people without disabilities, however.
15.11.2024 | Press release no.46
Investing in the future – despite the difficult economic environment
The Board of Directors today approved the budget of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) for 2025, which is made up of employers’ and employees’ contributions to unemployment insurance.
05.11.2024 | Press release no.45
One year of Skilled Immigration Act – 233,000 skilled foreign workers benefit from support and advice
The reformed Skilled Immigration Act took effect a year ago: initial figures show that it has had a positive impact.
30.10.2024 | Press release no.44
Overview of the vocational training market in 2023/24
The gap between registered applicants and vacancies has become smaller
08.10.2024 | Press release no.42
2024 Inclusion Award for Business
Under the motto "Inclusion works", the Inclusion Award for Business is honours four companies from Bavaria, Lower Saxony, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia for their exemplary training and employment of people with disabilities.
27.09.2024 | Press release no.41
Labour market in September 2024 – Weak autumn recovery
“Unemployment and underemployment fell in September, but by much less than usual this month. The autumn recovery in the labour market is therefore off to a slow start this year,” Andrea Nahles, CEO of the Federal Employment Agency of Germany (BA), said today at the monthly press conference in Nuremberg.
26.09.2024 | Press release no.40
Day of Older Persons: new high for older employees subject to social security contributions
In Germany, the number of employees aged between 55 and the normal pension age limit who are subject to social security contributions has increased significantly for more than ten years. Their number peaked in December 2023 and has almost tripled since December 2000.
20.09.2024 | Press release no.39
On the day of skilled trades: continued skilled labour shortages in trade professions
Despite the slowing economy, the trade industries are still suffering from a significant shortage of skilled workers.
12.09.2024 | Press release no.38
Register modernisation: Federal Office of Administration and Federal Employment Agency sign agreement
Register modernisation is a key milestone on the road to a modern, digital state. The goal of the project is to ensure that citizens only have to submit their data and supporting documents once when applying for administrative services, implementing the “once only principle”.
03.09.2024 | Press release no.37
Registering as a jobseeker on time to avoid personal disadvantage
The BA is able to support employees who have lost their jobs with finding a new job so that they don’t have to experience unemployment. The sooner people tell their local federal employment agency that their job is coming to an end, the better. Those who make sure that they register as a jobseeker in good time can also avoid financial disadvantages caused by a suspension of benefits.
30.08.2024 | Press release no.36
The labour market in August 2024
lacklustre period continues through the summer holiday season
23.08.2024 | Press release no.35
Opportunities for pupils from lower secondary schools to find an apprenticeship – securing a last minute apprenticeship position
Pupils from lower secondary schools face particular challenges in securing an apprenticeship position. They have to compete with school leavers who have higher-regarded school leaving certificates. But it isn’t too late: young people seeking an apprenticeship position can still find one.
31.07.2024 | Press release no.34
The labour market in July 2024
unemployment increases more strongly than usual for the time of year
22.07.2024 | Press release no.33
BundID: Access to digital services of the Federal Employment Agency via a central user account
Secure digital identification for the services of the Federal Employment Agency and Family Benefits Offices
22.07.2024 | Press release no.32
Wages of full-time employees increased significantly in 2023
• The median wage increased to 3,796 euros per month in 2023
• The gender pay gap is €367, which is almost the same level as in the previous year
• Highest wages in Hamburg, lowest in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
12.07.2024 | Press release no.31
39 percent of companies comply with their obligation to provide employment to persons registered as having a severe disability
The Federal Employment Agency has published its annual report on the labour market situation regarding persons registered as having a severe disability.
02.07.2024 | Press release no.30
The Family Benefits Office takes new steps to make things easier for families
From now on, families no longer need to take the initiative and apply for Child Benefit themselves after the birth of their child.
01.07.2024 | Press release no.29
Christina Ramb takes over as Chair of the Administrative Board of the BA
The Administrative Board of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) has elected Christina Ramb as its new Chair with effect from 1st July 2024. Christina is a member of the Executive Board of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA).
26.06.2024 | Press release no.27
Tasks of the Jobcenters: sufficient financial resources required
In the coming year, the 400 Jobcenters in Germany are facing major challenges: the lacklustre economic performance is causing unemployment to rise. People who are long-term unemployed are currently finding it particularly difficult to find a new job. In addition to this are the existing challenges in supporting refugees with their language learning, further training and integration into work.
07.06.2024 | Press release no.26
German Digital Day: the BA harnesses the potential of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and automation
In the course of its digital transformation, the Federal Employment Agency (BA) is harnessing the potential provided by AI and automated processes. In this way, it is relieving its staff of routine tasks.
04.06.2024 | Press release no.25
Qualified specialists urgently required: Shortages in 183 occupations
•Number of bottleneck occupations falls slightly from 200 to 183 occupations
•Shortages in roughly one in seven skilled occupations
•Half of registered job vacancies are in bottleneck occupations
•Only one in four unemployed skilled workers is seeking a job in a bottleneck occupation
03.06.2024 | Press release no.23
Joint declaration by the leading social insurance organisations in Germany
Go and vote – for democracy, diversity and tolerance
24.05.2024 | Press release no.22
Electronic approval for admission to the labour market: advance approvals from the BA now available digitally
The Federal Employment Agency (BA) has digitised key steps in the approval process for admission to the labour market. This benefits both employers and foreign employees and skilled workers. The digital exchange of data between the public authorities involved should help to reduce bureaucracy.
22.05.2024 | Press release no.21
Get to know businesses online and find a job: the second Job Turbo Action Days for refugees
From 27th May to 29th May, the BA is organising its Digital Action Days for the second time as part of its Job Turbo initiative, with the goal of bringing job-seeking refugees and businesses together. Refugees can meet with different employers online and learn about opportunities for entry-level, internship and qualification roles in person in just one hour.
21.05.2024 | Press release no.20
Apprentices from abroad: an increasingly important mainstay in the market for vocational training and apprenticeships
More and more foreign nationals are completing an apprenticeship in Germany. The share of apprentices subject to social insurance contributions from countries other than Germany has been growing steadily for several years. While 6.3 percent of apprentices were foreign nationals in October 2013, 10 years later, in October 2023, this figure had risen to 13.2 per cent.
08.05.2024 | Press release no.19
Nursing staff in Germany: mostly female, part-time and in more demand than ever before
Health care facilities in Germany have been suffering from a shortage of qualified nurses for years. Among all occupational groups with a staff shortage, qualified nurses are at first place. To counter this shortage, it is worth taking a look at who is entering this profession in Germany.
02.05.2024 | Press release no.18
The “Alliance for Vocational and Further Training” launches the “Summer of Vocational Training”
Every year, government ministries, public authorities, businesses and trade unions join forces to promote vocational training in Germany with the “Summer of Vocational Training”.
19.04.2024 | Press release no.16
Discovering careers without stereotypes – the BA takes part in Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day
How can girls, on the one hand, be encouraged to take up the technical occupations which also support the completion of the energy transition? And on the other hand, how can boys be convinced to work in fields traditionally dominated by women – such as nursery schools or care? On 25th April, Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day is taking place throughout Germany. The day enables girls all over Germany to gain an insight into male-dominated occupations. For boys the reverse applies.
10.04.2024 | Press release no.15
Cuts in benefits imposed on basic income increase in 2023
• Number of cuts in benefits increased last year
• 84.5 per cent of cuts in benefits were due to the failure to attend appointments
• Approximately 97 per cent of those entitled to benefits remain unaffected by cuts in benefits
28.03.2024 | Press release no.14
The labour market in March 2024
A subdued start to the spring revival
26.03.2024 | Press release no.13
Vocational Training and Continuing Education Act: first elements of the vocational training guarantee take effect
On 1st April 2024, the new provisions of the Act to Strengthen Vocational Training and Continuing Education (AWBG) take effect. In addition to reforming the funding for continuing education for employees and the introduction of a training allowance, the vocational training guarantee is also a key topic.
19.03.2024 | Press release no.12
Skills Development Benefit supports companies undergoing structural change with the continuing education of their employees
On 1st April 2024, the new provisions of the Act to Strengthen Vocational Training and Continuing Education take effect. A new benefit for the area of employee qualification is launched: Qualifizierungsgeld, aka the Skills Development Benefit.
07.03.2024 | Press release no.11
Women in the labour market: more part-time work, more women from abroad, but not more management responsibility
International Women’s Day on 8th March
06.03.2024 | Press release no.10
A positive future with training
On Monday, “Vocational Training Week” gets underway in Germany. In a variety of campaigns, federal employment agencies, Jobcenters, careers advice centres for young people as well as their partners will drum up support for in-company vocational training and provide information about the opportunities it offers to both young people and businesses.
29.02.2024 | Press release no.9
The labour market in February 2024
The labour market in February 2024 – robust, despite signs of continued economic weakness
20.02.2024 | Press release no.8
Short-term employment: businesses can now recruit staff from abroad for busy periods on a temporary basis
The second stage of the new Skilled Immigration Act enters into effect on 1st March. One component is known as the “short-term quota-based employment”, which supplements the Skilled Immigration Act. This enables employers to hire foreign workers at short notice during busy periods.
20.02.2024 | Press release no.7
Skilled Immigration Act: Stage 2 with simplifications for experienced workers
The second stage of the new “Skilled Immigration Act” enters into effect on 1st March. In the future, experienced foreign skilled workers will be able to take up employment more easily.
31.01.2024 | Press release no.6
Labour market in January 2024
The year starts in the normal way with rising unemployment
19.01.2024 | Press release no.5
Meet employers online and find a job: the Job Turbo Action Days for refugees
From 30th January until 1st February, as part of the Job Turbo initiative, the BA is holding Digital Action Days with the goal of bringing job-seeking refugees together with businesses throughout Germany that are currently recruiting. Refugees who have completed their integration course will have the opportunity to meet with different employers online and learn about the available employment and training opportunities.
10.01.2024 | Press release no.4
Fall in lawsuits and slight increase appeals concerning Basic Income
• Number of lawsuits fell again in 2023; slight increase in appeals
• Appeals rate in Jobcenters operated as joint institutions approximately 1.7 percent
09.01.2024 | Press release no.3
Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof: BA pays insolvency money upon opening of insolvency proceedings
German department store chain Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof today filed to reopen insolvency proceedings at the District Court in Essen.
03.01.2024 | Press release no.2
Review of the year 2023
Weak economic growth affects labour market development
22.12.2023 | Press release no.57
Nationwide online portal for further vocational education launches on 1st January 2024
The Federal Employment Agency (BA) is officially opening its new online portal, “mein NOW”, on 01.01.2024. Its goal is to offer people in working life, employers and providers of further education a central access point for the topic of further vocational education – which is available on the internet.
21.12.2023 | Press release no.56
Increase of Child Allowance from January
Low-income families to receive an increased Child Allowance
14.12.2023 | Press release no.55
Proposed budgetary contribution by the Federal Employment Agency jeopardises its build-up of reserves
The Chairpersons of the administrative board of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) on the cost-cutting plans of the German federal government
01.12.2023 | Press release no.54
Social Inclusion Prize for Business 2024 - Inclusion works!
Companies can apply now
01.12.2023 | Press release no.53
Increase in Citizen's Income: Job centres will be adjusting the standard support needs as of 1 January 2024
As of 1 January 2024, the standard support needs in Basic Income under the second volume of the Social Code (SGB II) will be adjusted. The annual amount was decided by the legislator. All beneficiaries will receive their benefits from the Job Centre in time and in the correct amount.
23.11.2023 | Press release no.51
Campaign week of the Federal Employment Agency on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Access to the labour market is often more difficult for people with disabilities than for those without disabilities. In the week leading up to the upcoming International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3rd December, the Federal Employment Agency will start a campaign week on 27th November to raise awareness of the potential of people with disabilities.
16.11.2023 | Press release no.50
Skilled Workers Immigration Act 2.0 opens new doors
On 18th November, the first stage of the new “Skilled Workers Immigration Act” takes effect. It means that a lower salary threshold will apply to workers who enter the country via the “Blue Card” scheme. Skilled workers from non-regulated occupations whose foreign qualifications are recognized in Germany are now allowed to work in other fields as well.
10.11.2023 | Press release no.49
Solid budget with a focus on vocational qualifications and digitalisation
The administrative board today approved the budget for 2024, focusing on securing skilled workers by investing more in vocational training, investing in digitalisation and automation and building up some financial reserves. This has become possible again for the first time since the pandemic came to an end.
02.11.2023 | Press release no.48
Overview of the vocational training market in 2022/23
Increasing matching problems, but a stable situation overall
19.10.2023 | Press release no.46
DIGITAL AND SOCIAL – so that social insurance remains viable in the future
Shortages of labour and skilled workers, the imminent retirement of the baby boomer generation and the growing demands of an ageing society in terms of health care and nursing care present huge challenges for the welfare state. The three heads of Germany’s leading social insurance providers discussed solutions for the welfare state of the future with members of the Bundestag in Berlin today and made specific proposals.
06.10.2023 | Press release no.45
#START your vocational training in autumn as well!
Following the “Summer of Vocational Training 2023”, the partners of the “Alliance for Vocational Training and Continuing Education” are jointly calling for young people to take advantage of the opportunities offered by a late placement.
29.09.2023 | Press release no.44
The labour market in September 2023
Muted autumn revival due to weak economic growth
14.09.2023 | Press release no.43
On the day of skilled trades: a shortage of skilled workers in one in three skilled trades
In the past three years, the number of shortage occupations in the skilled trades has increased. The BA now identifies a shortage of skilled workers in one in three skilled trades.
13.09.2023 | Press release no.42
Ideas for the future – make a note of the digital parents’ evenings in your diary now!
From 25th to 29th September, the BA is organising a nationwide week of digital parents' evenings. The week allows young people and their parents to learn about the apprenticeship and dual studies opportunities at over 70 companies from 16 sectors on a virtual basis.
31.08.2023 | Press release no.41
Job market in August 2023
Weak economic situation intensifies the usual effects of the summer break
11.08.2023 | Press release no.40
Youth Day: Seize training opportunities and take advantage of the BA's support options!
Currently, some 228,000 registered apprenticeships are still unfilled. Young people therefore still have a wide range of apprenticeships to choose from.
08.08.2023 | Press release no.39
For the first time, more than one million employed in IT sector
The number of employees in the digital sector subject to social security contributions crossed the million mark for the first time.
01.08.2023 | Press release no.38
The situation on the apprenticeship market remains good for applicants: secure an apprenticeship now!
Those who apply for an apprenticeship now still have a good chance of finding one. From October 2022 to July 2023, 509,000 in-company apprenticeship positions were registered with the Federal Employment Agency, 228,000 of which are currently still unfilled. The careers advisors offer young people guidance on how to be successful in their search for an apprenticeship and provide support with a placement.
20.07.2023 | Press release no.36
Remuneration of full-time employees rises at an above-average rate in 2022
• Median remuneration increased to 3,646 euros in 2022
• Gender pay gap is 365 euros and is decreasing only slowly
• Highest remuneration in Hamburg, lowest in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
10.07.2023 | Press release no.35
Rules for receiving short-time allowances from July 2023
In order for companies to receive short-time working allowances for their employees, certain conditions must be met.
05.07.2023 | Press release no.34
Joint Declaration by the Federal Employment Agency, Association of German Districts, Association of German Cities
For good funding for job centres
30.06.2023 | Press release no.33
Labour market in June 2023
Recognisable effects of weak economic development
29.06.2023 | Press release no.32
Anja Piel chairs BA Administrative Board
The Administrative Board of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) elected Anja Piel as its chairwoman at mid-year. She is a member of the Federal Executive Board of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB)
29.06.2023 | Press release no.31
Citizen’s Income: the second stage of the reform will start on 1 July 2023
Numerous crucial regulations for the Citizen’s Income will come into force in summer 2023. In particular, the integration process and issues relating to further education and training will be further developed. Other changes include additional instruments such as holistic support and the jointly created cooperation plan, which support trusting cooperation “on equal terms”. There will also be an increase in tax allowances for employed people.
23.06.2023 | Press release no.30
Skilled immigration: BA welcomes law and advocates digitalisation push
Today, the Bundestag got the Skilled Immigration Act off the ground. It is intended to improve the immigration of skilled and other workers.
21.06.2023 | Press release no.29
Facilitated access to short-time allowance expires at the end of June
The special provisions for receiving short-time allowance will expire on 30 June 2023.
19.06.2023 | Press release no.28
World Refugee Day: number of employed people from the countries of asylum origin has increased sevenfold since 2012
Those who come to Germany as refugees face many challenges. At the job centres, these people are given the requisite know-how to enter the labour market and society. Since 2012, the number of employed people from the countries of asylum origin has increased sevenfold.
16.06.2023 | Press release no.27
German Digital Day: BA promotes digital participation by expanding its e-services
New features in the customer app, optimised appointment booking online, e-services for people undergoing rehabilitation: the Federal Employment Agency (BA) is expanding its online services and contributing to digital and social participation for citizens.
02.06.2023 | Press release no.26
Skills shortage increases: number of bottleneck occupations rises to 200
• Number of bottleneck occupations rises from 148 to 200
• Shortage in one in six skilled occupations
• In 2022, bottleneck occupations accounted for half of the registered skilled vacancies
• Unemployed less likely to seek bottleneck occupations
24.05.2023 | Press release no.24
The Federal Employment Agency signs the “#positivarbeiten” (“positive working”) declaration of the German Aidshilfe (Help for Aids) charity
The Federal Employment Agency is supporting the “#positivarbeiten” initiative, which works to prevent discrimination against persons who are HIV positive in the world of work.
23.05.2023 | Press release no.23
Administrative Board once again votes for Daniel Terzenbach as Executive Chair of the Regions of the Federal Employment Agency
The Administrative Board of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) has proposed Daniel Terzenbach to be reappointed to Executive Chair of the Regions at the BA. This proposal requires the approval of the German federal government.
11.05.2023 | Press release no.22
Nurses Day: The demand for skilled personnel in nursing continues to remain high
Both in the long term and during the Corona pandemic, the employment of nurses has grown at a higher rate than total employment.
24.04.2023 | Press release no.19
Discovering careers without stereotypes – the BA takes part in Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day
It seems that they simply aren’t interested: apprenticeship occupations in which very few girls decide to work. On the one hand, how can girls be encouraged to take up the technical occupations which also support the completion of the energy transition?
19.04.2023 | Press release no.18
39 percent of companies comply with their obligation to employ severely disabled persons
According to the currently available data, in companies with at least 20 staff roles, in 2021, some 1,111,271 persons with a severe disability were employed with full social insurance contributions.
11.04.2023 | Press release no.17
Reductions in Basic Income continue to fall in 2022
• Number of reductions has fallen again in the past year
• Approximately 97 percent of those entitled to benefits remain unaffected by reductions
31.03.2023 | Press release no.16
Labour market in March 2023 – weak spring upturn
“The labour market remained robust in March. However, the weak economy is leaving its mark: the spring upturn has been only limited,” said Andrea Nahles, Chairwoman of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), on the occasion of the monthly press conference in Nuremberg today.
15.03.2023 | Press release no.15
Vocational Training Week: the BA seeks 750 new apprentices
In the current “Vocational Training Week”, together with labour market partners, employment agencies and youth employment agencies are advertising in-company vocational training opportunities. And the BA itself is also seeking new recruits as an employer.
10.03.2023 | Press release no.14
Vocational training is the future!
On Monday, “Vocational Training Week” gets underway in Germany. In a variety of campaigns, federal employment agencies, Jobcenters, careers advice centres for young people as well as their partners will speak in favour of in-company vocational training and provide information about the opportunities it offers to both young people and businesses.
07.03.2023 | Press release no.13
Leveraging the potential of skilled workers to benefit Germany: the Federal Employment Agency and German Rectors’ Conference emphasize the joint responsibility of the educational sectors
The current significant shortage of skilled workers in Germany can only be countered effectively with both the correct policy measures and cooperation between the differing educational sectors. Such was the outlook shared by Andrea Nahles, Chair of the Executive Board of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), and Professor Peter-André Alt, President of the Conference of University Rectors (HRK) at their meeting in Berlin last Tuesday.
06.03.2023 | Press release no.12
Women on the labour market: positive development but room for improvement in working hours, pay and management responsibility
International Women’s Day on 8th March
24.02.2023 | Press release no.10
Digital parents’ evenings of the Federal Employment Agency meet with great interest
The week of digital parents’ evenings, which the Federal Employment Agency (BA) carried out for the first time on 6th February, has met with a strong response. In total, parents and children in around 8,000 households used the one-hour digital information evenings to find out about the well over 50 different companies and their training opportunities.
14.02.2023 | Press release no.9
Family Benefits Office of the BA takes stock: 2022 characterised by additional support benefits
Because of higher prices, inflation and increased energy costs, the Federal Government decided to introduce further benefits in addition to child benefit and child bonus.
09.02.2023 | Press release no.8
“BA-mobil” – the popular customer app celebrates its second birthday
For two years, the Federal Employment Agency (BA) has been providing customers with up-to-date information on unemployment insurance and useful functions, directly on their smartphones, with the app “BA-mobil”. The service will be further developed this year.
03.02.2023 | Press release no.7
Digital data exchange: Federal Employment Agency cooperates with social security institutions
Since the beginning of 2023, the Federal Employment Agency (BA) has been exchanging data electronically with the statutory health insurance schemes.
31.01.2023 | Press release no.6
The labour market in January 2023 – an increase in unemployment which is normal for the time of year.
27.01.2023 | Press release no.5
The Family Benefits Office of the BA is making it easier to access Child Benefit and the Child Allowance
To make it easier for families to apply for Child Benefit and the Child Allowance in the future, the Family Benefits Office of the BA is steadily expanding its digital offering. In this way, it is fulfilling its legal mandate according to the German Online Access Act (OZG).
18.01.2023 | Press release no.4
Outward migration: A quarter leave for reasons relating to their right of residence
When foreign workers leave Germany, they leave gaps in the German labour market. A study by the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IAW) which was commissioned by the BA has shown that the outward migration is frequently associated with issues relating to employment and the right of residence.
10.01.2023 | Press release no.3
Fall in the number of appeals and complaints in the area of Basic Income
• The number of appeals and complaints fell again in 2022
• Appeals rate in joint institutions amounts to approximately 1.5 percent
03.01.2023 | Press release no.2
Annual review 2022 – Stable labour market despite pressure through Russian war of aggression
03.01.2023 | Press release no.1
The labour market in December 2022 – the labour market remains strong at the end of the year
28.12.2022 | Press release no.60
Citizen’s Income will be introduced on 1st January 2023 – standard support requirement will be increased automatically
At the start of the new year, the Citizen’s Income will replace Unemployment Benefit II and Social Benefit - however, the benefits will continue as usual. The standard support requirements increased as of January 2023 will be paid out on time and automatically. For the purposes of the introduction of the Citizen’s Income no new application must be made. However, if the current grant period ends, an application for the extension of the grant must be made, as before.
22.12.2022 | Press release no.59
E-services: Federal Employment Agency provides around 70 administrative services online
In compliance with its legal mandate, the German Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, BA) is extending its digital services in accordance with the Online Access Act (Onlinezugangsgesetz, OZG).
15.12.2022 | Press release no.58
Child Benefit and Child Allowance (Kindergeld / Kinderzuschlag, KiZ) to increase as of January
More Child Benefit for families
09.12.2022 | Press release no.57
International Human Rights Day: The Family Benefits Office of the BA and the VBM launch an advice-based cooperation
The Family Benefits Office of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) and the German Association of Working Mothers (VBM) are launching a new cooperation with immediate effect. In this way, they want to provide even more comprehensive support and advice to all families and forms of family regarding family-related benefits and participation.
09.12.2022 | Press release no.56
MY TURN − Empowering women with a migration background on the job market
The new federal ESF Plus programme provides support with qualifications, training and employment with social security contributions
05.12.2022 | Press release no.55
Over 2 million child benefit cases move to the BA Family Benefits Office
Since 2017, family benefits offices in German public authorities have been able to permanently transfer their child benefit cases to the Federal Employment Agency (BA) Family Benefits Office. Since then, the BA Family Benefits Office has assumed responsibility for payments to over two million children from more than 19,500 public sector institutions. For those entitled to child benefits, a friction-free, unbureaucratic assumption of responsibility was ensured at all times.
02.12.2022 | Press release no.54
The Administrative Board of the BA expresses strong support for inclusion
People with disabilities continue to have a harder time on the labour market than those without. It takes longer for them to find their way out of a period of unemployment. On the occasion of the International Day of People with Disabilities on 3rd December, the alternating Chairs of the Administrative Board of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) called for the continued provision of active support for inclusion.
30.11.2022 | Press release no.53
The labour market in November 2022
Stable, but the difficult current situation is clearly having an impact
25.11.2022 | Press release no.52
Citizen’s Income to begin on 1st January 2023 – Ahuja: “The higher standard rate will be paid automatically”
On 1st January 2023, the Citizen’s Income is to replace Basic Income Support. This was decided today by the German Bundestag and Bundesrat. The Citizen’s Income is to be introduced in two steps. In the first step, the standard rate will be increased at the beginning of the year and a minimum claims limit will be introduced. In the second step, the key elements surrounding further training and qualification are set to be introduced mid-year.
25.11.2022 | Press release no.51
The Federal Employment Agency signs the “Together against sexism and sexual harassment” declaration
23.11.2022 | Press release no.50
Persons with Disabilities Week: severely disabled people deserve equal opportunities
Unemployed people with severe disabilities are not benefiting as much as other unemployed people from the fact that the labour market is recovering from effects caused by the pandemic. The Federal Employment Agency is calling for more focus on these people’s strengths with the upcoming Persons with Disabilities Week.
18.11.2022 | Press release no.49
At the end of a successful “Summer of Vocational Training 2022” of the partners of the Alliance for Education and Training, the recruitment of apprentices continues to be a crucial task
Joint press release of the Alliance for Education and Training
11.11.2022 | Press release no.48
BA budget for 2023: balanced budget, allowing more cash for subsidies
The Administrative Board today established the budget for the year 2023. Despite the challenging economic climate, the BA is currently able to present a balanced budget.
02.11.2022 | Press release no.47
Apprenticeship market situation in 2021/22
Further decrease in number of applicants, making it difficult to fill vacancies
02.11.2022 | Press release no.46
Labour market in October 2022
Robust situation despite weakening economy
11.10.2022 | Press release no.45
Joint press release by the BMZ, the BA and DB
Attracting skilled workers through migration: pilot project between the Federal Ministry for Development and Deutsche Bahn takes shape
04.10.2022 | Press release no.44
Katrin Krömer takes up post: New full board starts work
With the assumption of office of Dr. Katrin Krömer on 1 October the new board of the Federal Employment Agency is complete. With immediate effect, Krömer will be responsible for the departments of Human Resource Management, Organisational Development, Controlling, Infrastructure and Purchasing.
01.10.2022 | Press release no.43
German Unity Day: Women in eastern Germany continue to earn more than men
Even after 32 years of German unity, there are still significant differences between east and west. For example, in eastern Germany, women’s median pay has already been above that of men for years. In the west the opposite is true. Overall, median pay continues to be substantially lower in eastern Germany than in the west. The fundamental trend is of decreasing differences – albeit only a slow decrease
30.09.2022 | Press release no.42
Short-time working benefit also possible for temporary work, until the end of the year
The Federal Government has passed a resolution for simplified access to short-time work and now additionally stipulated that temporary workers can be similarly supported from 1 October 2022 until 31 December 2022.
30.09.2022 | Press release no.41
The Labour market in September 2022
Situation still stable overall, despite the difficult environment
26.09.2022 | Press release no.40
Special regulations on short-time working benefit extended again until the end of December
The Federal Government has passed a resolution for the extension of the facilitations of access for the receipt of short-time working benefit up to the end of the year.
15.09.2022 | Press release no.39
The BA achieves second place in the eGovernment competition in the category of “Sustainability through digitalisation”
A jury consisting of administration, IT and scientific experts awards second place to the Federal Employment Agency in the category of “Sustainability through digitalisation”.
31.08.2022 | Press release no.38
The labour market in August 2022
A robust development despite uncertainties
11.08.2022 | Press release no.37
International Youth Day: it is still possible to start an apprenticeship this year
Those who apply for an apprenticeship now still have a good chance of finding one. Careers advisors provide young people with orientation during their successful search for a training company and provide support with a placement.
01.08.2022 | Press release no.36
A new face at the top: Chairwoman Andrea Nahles assumes her duties
On 1 August 2022, Andrea Nahles took up her post as Chairwoman of the Federal Employment Agency (BA). She succeeds Detlef Scheele, who after seven years has retired from the Board of the BA for reasons of age.
29.07.2022 | Press release no.35
The labour market in July 2022
Further increase in unemployment due to inclusion of Ukrainian refugees
20.07.2022 | Press release no.34
Remuneration of full-time employees again on the upswing
• Median remuneration climbed in 2021 to 3,516 euros • Gender pay gap is dwindling, but still amounts to 373 euros • Disparity between western and eastern Germany has become less pronounced, but still stands at 619 euros • Highest wages in Hamburg, lowest in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
08.07.2022 | Press release no.33
Christina Ramb takes over as chairperson of the BA's Administrative Board
The Administrative Board of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) has elected Christina Ramb as its Chairperson. She is a member of the Executive Board of the German Employers's Association (BDA).
01.07.2022 | Press release no.32
Special regulations on short-time allowances partly extended until the end of September
The German cabinet has adopted a regulation to prolong easy access to short-time allowances.
30.06.2022 | Press release no.31
The labour market in June 2022
High unemployment figures due to registration of Ukrainian refugees
24.06.2022 | Press release no.30
Child benefit after finishing school
Even people over 18 may receive child benefit, so place your application early and submit documentary evidence
02.06.2022 | Press release no.29
Support during the slump: 'one-shot' and upfront payments from Familienkasse, Job Centre and Employment Agency
On 27 May 2022, shortly after the adoption of the Heizkostenzuschussgesetz [Heating Costs Act], the Sofortzuschlags- und Einmalzahlungsgesetz [Upfront and One-Time Payment Act] was announced. These laws allow payment of relief to children, young people and adults who draw benefits from the Familienkasse [Family Benefits Institution], the Employment Agency or the Job Centre.
01.06.2022 | Press release no.28
Get Career Advice – Complete Job Placement - #STARTapprenticeship
Peter Adrian, President of the DIHK [German Chamber of Industry & Commerce], Dr. Rainer Dulger, President of the BDA [German Employers' Association], and Detlef Scheele, Chairman of the BA [Federal Employment Agency] took the opportunity of the Career Guidance Day of Action to promote career advice and counselling for the ideal path to dual training. The campaign is part of the Summer of Vocational Training run by the partners of the Alliance for Initial Vocational and Further Training.
23.05.2022 | Press release no.26
Assistance under one roof: Job centres responsible from June onwards for refugees from Ukraine
From June 1, persons who have fled from the Ukraine since February 2022 will be given assistance by the Job Centres. They will then transfer from the AsylbLG [Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act] to SGB II [Basic Provision for Jobseekers].
18.05.2022 | Press release no.25
Online child benefit application now without printout and signature – thanks to ELSTER certificate
With immediate effect, after the birth of a baby, child benefit can now be applied for entirely electronically by means of an ELSTER certificate. The thus paperless procedure helps cut down on red tape, is sustainable, and reduces costs.
10.05.2022 | Press release no.24
Federal Employment Agency signs placement agreement with Jordan
The Federal Employment Agency (BA) has concluded a further placement agreement with a non-EU state following the new Immigration Act for Skilled Workers. It creates the basis for the recruitment and placement of nursing staff from Jordan for hospitals, clinics and nursing facilities in Germany via the Federal Employment Agency.
10.05.2022 | Press release no.23
Nursing Day: Despite a shortage of skilled personnel, the number of employees in care professions is rising
• The number of employees also rose during the pandemic • The shortage of skilled personnel remains quite severe • The BA is promoting retraining and is entering into cooperation agreements on fair migration
09.05.2022 | Press release no.22
Find the right skilled occupation for you and get started – with #AusbildungKlarmachen
Young people have good opportunities on the training market this year – but they need to seize them: At #AusbildungKlarmachen, the BA offers an easy online entry into vocational orientation and training.
06.05.2022 | Press release no.21
New chairwoman: Vanessa Ahuja assumes post in Nuremberg
Vanessa Ahuja has officially been in office since 1 May 2022. On 2 May 2022, she assumed her post at the Nuremberg headquarters of the Federal Employment Agency (BA).
04.05.2022 | Press release no.20
Partners of the Alliance for Initial and Further Training start the "Summer of Vocational Training"
Joint press release
03.05.2022 | Press release no.19
The labour market in April 2022
The recovery continues, despite the war in Ukraine
26.04.2022 | Press release no.18
The federal agency participates in the Girls’ Day & Boys’ Day
The Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day is taking place throughout Germany on Thursday, 28th April 2022.
08.04.2022 | Press release no.16
Administrative Board sets personnel course for the future
In Nuremberg today, the Administrative Board of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) passed the necessary resolutions for a reorganisation of its Executive Board.
31.03.2022 | Press release no.15
Labour Market in March 2022
War in Ukraine currently not having much impact
29.03.2022 | Press release no.14
Special arrangements for the short-time allowance extended until 30th June 2022
The legislator has decided to extend the special arrangements regarding short-time work until 30th June 2022. The amendment to the law includes simpler access to the short-time allowance, the entitlement to receive increased rates of benefits, as well as opportunities to earn additional income during periods of short-time work.
14.03.2022 | Press release no.13
Partners of the Alliance for Initial and Further Training promote vocational training during the “Week of Training 2022” of the Federal Employment Agency
Joint Press Release
10.03.2022 | Press release no.12
Give more training a go!
On Monday, “Training week” gets underway in Germany. In a variety of campaigns, job centres and careers advice centres for young people and their partners will raise the profile of in-house training and provide information on the opportunities that it offers to young people and businesses.
08.03.2022 | Press release no.11
70 years of the BA: challenges in the anniversary year
70 years of the BA: challenges in the anniversary year
02.03.2022 | Press release no.10
Labour market in February 2022 – continued recovery before start of Ukraine war
"The upward trend in the labour market continued until February. However, the current indicators still fail to depict the Russo-Ukrainian War,“ said Detlef Scheele, Chairman of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), at today's monthly press conference in Nuremberg.
25.02.2022 | Press release no.9
Video communication in the BA: in a few clicks to your consultation
In addition to its personal and phone consultations, the BA has launched an interactive supplementary service, with more than 150,000 video calls being made since the autumn of 2020. This service will continue even after the end of the pandemic.
18.02.2022 | Press release no.8
"Day of social justice": the Federal Employment Agency (BA) supports fair migration
The Federal Employment Agency (BA) is working to encourage fair access to the German labour market for people from Germany, the EU and other countries in a variety of ways. Together with its EURES network partners, for example, it is creating a digital and face-to-face Europe-wide offering for jobseekers and businesses.
04.02.2022 | Press release no.7
The BA’s Family Benefits Office takes stock: 2021 in figures
Last year, the Federal Employment Agency’s (BA) Family Benefits Office was confronted with pandemic-related challenges. In addition to child benefit and the child allowance, both this year’s child bonus and the children’s leisure bonus were paid out to a significantly higher number of families.
01.02.2022 | Press release no.6
Labour market in January 2022
Despite mitigation measures still on path to recovery
20.01.2022 | Press release no.5
Despite the pandemic: federal employment agency recruits more skilled workers from abroad
Notwithstanding the difficult conditions caused by the pandemic over the past year, the Federal Employment Agency (BA) has succeeded in further increasing the recruitment of skilled workers from abroad.
14.01.2022 | Press release no.4
Providing young adults with vocational qualifications: "Zukunftsstarter" ["Start the Future"] initiative to continue
The Federal Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs (BMAS), the Federal Employment Agency (BA), and the Executive Board of the BA have agreed to commit themselves more strongly to continue their efforts to provide education and training to young adults. The "Start the Future" ("Zukunftsstarter") initiative is to continue from January 2022 until the end of 2025.
10.01.2022 | Press release no.3
Significantly fewer appeals and complaints in the general social security system
• The number of appeals and complaints fell by almost a fifth in 2021 • Appeals rate in joint institutions amounts to approximately 1.6 percent
04.01.2022 | Press release no.2
Review of the year 2021
Labour market recovers in second year of the coronavirus pandemic
04.01.2022 | Press release no.1
The labour market in December 2021
Seasonally-adjusted fall in unemployment also at the end of the year
17.12.2021 | Press release no.45
Children’s allowance increases as of January
More money for families with low incomes
16.12.2021 | Press release no.44
Extension until 31 March 2022 of special provisions concerning short-time work compensation
The extension until 31 March 2022 per Short-Time Work Compensation Extension Regulation, the Act to Consolidate Preventive Vaccinations Against COVID-19, and amendments to further regulations in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic eased access to short-time work compensation, eligibility for higher benefits, and supplementary jobs during short-time work.
14.12.2021 | Press release no.43
Optional online jobseeker registration from 1 January 2022
From the start of 2022, customers will be able to register online as unemployed using the ID card electronic verification feature. This new eService is a further digital innovation, offering an alternative to prior compulsory personal unemployment registration.
02.12.2021 | Press release no.42
Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) [Federal Employment Agency] signs mediation agreement with the Indian state of Kerala
The BA has signed its second mediation agreement with a non-EU state in accordance with the new Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz [Skilled Worker Immigration Act].
25.11.2021 | Press release no.40
Paving the way to the mainstream labour market with inclusive companies
People with disabilities still face more obstacles in the labour market than those without. The severely disabled unemployed, for example, are less likely to find a job on the mainstream labour market than people who are not severely handicapped.
24.11.2021 | Press release no.39
Job centres introduce 2G Rule for personal interviews
The job centres remain open as usual even in times of high infection rates.
12.11.2021 | Press release no.38
Budget of Federal Employment Agency well positioned for upcoming tasks
The administrative board of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) today adopted its budget for 2022. It is on this basis that the BA will be able to provide the necessary support for training, employment and qualifications in the upcoming year.
28.10.2021 | Press release no.37
Partners of the Alliance for Education and Training look back on a successful "Summer of Vocational Training"
Joint Press Release
28.10.2021 | Press release no.36
Vocational training market report for 2020/21
The vocational training market is still strongly affected by the pandemic, but looking brighter
01.10.2021 | Press release no.34
Fifty years in the service of international organisations
For 50 years, the Federal Employment Agency has been advising and supporting German experts as they start their career at international organisations such as the United Nations or the European Union. On 1st October 1971, the Office for Managers at International Organizations (BFIO), based at the Federal Employment Agency’s International Placement Service (ZAV), commenced its work.
30.09.2021 | Press release no.33
Recruiting skilled workers from abroad
The Federal Employment Agency is striving for deeper cooperation with Indonesia
31.08.2021 | Press release no.31
The labour market in August 2021
Another marked improvement in spite of the summer break
27.08.2021 | Press release no.30
Nurses from abroad
Federal Employment Agency signs placement agreement with Indonesia
23.07.2021 | Press release no.28
Takeover of 17,000 small family benefits offices
more than 1.5 million child benefit cases switch over to the Federal Employment Agency’s family benefits office
20.07.2021 | Press release no.27
Wages only increased slightly in 2020
• Smallest increase in wages since 2009 • In the manufacturing and hospitality sectors, the median is even falling • The coronavirus effect in relation to the median wage might be 69 euros • Differences between east and west are falling, but are still clear
02.07.2021 | Press release no.26
Anja Piel becomes chair of the administrative board of the Federal Employment Agency
Anja Piel took over the chair of the administrative board of the Federal Employment Agency in the middle of the year. She is a member of the Federal Executive Board of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB).
04.06.2021 | Press release no.22
Partners in the Alliance for Initial and Further Training launch the “Summer of Vocational Training”
Joint press release
17.05.2021 | Press release no.20
Career orientation from home
Digital teaching units support young people in discovering their future paths
29.04.2021 | Press release no.18
The labour market in April 2021
Sustained spring recovery reduces unemployment
28.04.2021 | Press release no.17
Corona supplement and child bonus
150 euros each will be paid in May 2021
28.04.2021 | Press release no.16
Employee qualification remains at a high level
Demographic change, structural change and digitalisation are making the qualification of employees increasingly important. The BA can support companies by providing training guidance and subsidies for course costs and wages.
23.04.2021 | Press release no.15
Training at a glance
New website brings together information and offers
12.04.2021 | Press release no.14
Number of sanctions fell sharply last year
Main reason being the Corona pandemic
31.03.2021 | Press release no.13
The labour market in March 2021
Spring revival despite rising infection figures
23.03.2021 | Press release no.12
Child bonus – One-off payment for families in 2021
This year, those entitled to child benefit will once again receive a one-off payment, this time in the amount of €150.
17.03.2021 | Press release no.11
Alliance for Initial and Further Training
The partners in the Alliance for Initial and Further Training decide upon a “Joint action to support training companies and young people in the coronavirus pandemic”
15.03.2021 | Press release no.10
The Future Calls for Vocational Training – Invitation to the Nationwide Week of Vocational Training from March 15 to 19, 2021
The corona pandemic is also having an impact on the vocational training market. The Executive Board and Administrative Board of the Federal Employment Agency are therefore calling for joint efforts to bring companies and young people together.
12.03.2021 | Press release no.9
One Year of Corona – Review of and Prospects for the Labour Market
Joint press release by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Federal Employment Agency
02.03.2021 | Press release no.8
The Labour Market in February 2021
The Labour Market continues to withstand the Lockdown
12.02.2021 | Press release no.6
“BA-Mobil” – New Customer App Expands Digital Offering
With the introduction of the new customer app “BA-Mobil”, customers of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) can address their unemployment insurance needs by contacting their local employment agency even faster and around the clock.
18.01.2021 | Press release no.4
Child Bonus Paid to 10 Million Families
Family Fund Reports Positive Balance Sheet
11.01.2021 | Press release no.3
Fewer Appeals and Complaints in Basic Security Benefits
Number of appeals and complaints fell again in 2020 - Appeal rate in joint institutions at 2.3 percent
05.01.2021 | Press release no.2
Annual Review 2020
Labour Market under Heavy Pressure due to Corona Crisis
05.01.2021 | Press release no.1
The Labour Market in December 2020
Short-time work is stabilising, seasonally adjusted unemployment continues to decline
17.12.2020 | Press release no.55
Child Benefit to Increase as of January
More Money for Families with Lower Incomes
08.12.2020 | Press release no.54
Child benefits to increase starting in January
Starting in January the highest increase in child benefits since 2010 will take place
03.12.2020 | Press release no.53
New Pilot Project on Skilled Worker Immigration Launched
The Federal Employment Agency (BA) and DIHK Service GmbH are launching “Hand in Hand for international Talents”, a new project to attract skilled workers from Brazil, India and Vietnam to Germany.
02.12.2020 | Press release no.52
€ 2.7 Billion for Participation in the Working Lives of People with Disabilities
The Federal Employment Agency (BA) is using the International Day of People with Disabilities as an opportunity to promote inclusion in the workplace. The BA budget for next year includes € 2.7 billion to support people with disabilities.
01.12.2020 | Press release no.51
The Labour Market in November 2020
Further seasonally adjusted decline in unemployment despite partial lockdown
06.11.2020 | Press release no.50
BA Budget 2021 allows for stabilisation of training and employment in difficult times
The Administrative Board of the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) today adopted the budget for 2021. At the same time, the committee temporarily approved up to 5,500 additional employees.
06.11.2020 | Press release no.49
Christina Ramb elected as new Chair of the BA Administrative Board
Three women head the Administrative Board of the Bundesagentur für Arbeit
05.11.2020 | Press release no.48
The Bundesagentur für Arbeit (German Federal Employment Agency) and Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (German Business Foundation)
Committed to strengthening vocational orientation in upper secondary schools
29.10.2020 | Press release no.47
Apprenticeship market report for 2019/20:
corona crisis leads to clear backlog
29.10.2020 | Press release no.46
The labour market in October 2020
The corona crisis has clearly left its mark but improvements can be seen
02.10.2020 | Press release no.45
30th anniversary of German reunification
Labour market drawing closer together in the east and west
30.09.2020 | Press release no.43
The labour market in September 2020
Effects of the corona crisis still clearly visible despite slight improvement
25.09.2020 | Press release no.42
Ministerial visit in turbulent times: Hubertus Heil visits the Federal Employment Agency in Nuremberg
The Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Hubertus Heil, has been holding meetings with the BA’s administrative board, board of directors, general staff council and employees to discuss the special challenges presented by the corona pandemic.
24.09.2020 | Press release no.41
Federal Employment Agency wins 2020 Digital Leader Award
An independent jury of digitisation experts from business, science and the media has recognised the Federal Employment Agency (BA) for setting new standards for the benefit of society
22.09.2020 | Press release no.40
Child bonus
Family welfare office gives a positive intermediate assessment.
01.09.2020 | Press release no.39
The labour market in August 2020
no corona-related rise in unemployment again
07.08.2020 | Press release no.38
Over one million child benefit claims have been handed over to the Family Office of the Federal Employment Agency
Since 1 January 2017, over 17,000 public-sector family offices in Germany have been handing over the processing of their child benefit claims to the Family Office of the Federal Employment Agency (FamKa BA), and an important milestone was reached in July 2020: FamKa BA became responsible for child benefits for over one million children.
31.07.2020 | Press release no.37
Federal programme to secure apprenticeships starts on 1 August
Joint press release
30.07.2020 | Press release no.36
The labour market in July 2020
No further rise in unemployment as a result of corona
03.07.2020 | Press release no.35
Annelie Buntenbach steps down from the Administrative Board
Annelie Buntenbach, the alternate Chairwoman of the Administrative Board, has stepped down from her honorary post at the BA.
01.07.2020 | Press release no.34
The labour market in June 2020
Stabilised by extensive short-time work
30.06.2020 | Press release no.33
Selfie identity checks in times of social distancing
The local offices of the Agentur für Arbeit are providing an online identification option for customers who cannot register as unemployed in person during the ongoing corona pandemic.
03.06.2020 | Press release no.32
The labour market in May 2020
Continued pressure in the corona crisis
26.05.2020 | Press release no.31
Ensuring dual training in the corona crisis:
The partners in the Alliance for Initial and Further Training agree measures to stabilise dual training
18.05.2020 | Press release no.30
Fake malware emails being sent to employers
The Federal Employment Agency (BA) would like to warn employers about fraudulent emails that are currently in circulation.
15.05.2020 | Press release no.29
Temporary extension of eligibility period for unemployment benefits – extension to be automatically approved
Today, on 15 May 2020, the Upper and Lower Houses of the German Parliament discussed and passed a second welfare package (Sozialschutzpaket II), including the extension of unemployment benefits. The law will be published in the Federal Law Gazette over the coming week.
05.05.2020 | Press release no.28
Short-time working allowance secures jobs but is not instant liquidity support for companies
Around 750,000 companies have reported plans to reduce their employees’ working hours since the beginning of March. Many of them are claiming short-time working allowance for the first time. This is leading to several questions and sometimes even uncertainty when it comes to claiming such payments, as discovered by the Federal Employment Agency (BA) in recent telephone consultations. Their questions range from the reporting process to the transfer of short-time working allowance. That is why we have provided some answers to frequently asked questions about the requirements, the process and the settlement of short-time working allowance.
30.04.2020 | Press release no.27
The labour market in April 2020
Growing pressure in the corona crisis
29.04.2020 | Press release no.26
Agentur für Arbeit and Jobcenter continue to develop their telephone and online services: Health and safety is our main concern
Since 18 March, the local Agentur für Arbeit and Jobcenter branches that are run jointly with the local authorities throughout Germany have reduced their personal contact with customers and are now dealing with more enquiries over the phone or online.
22.04.2020 | Press release no.25
Short-time working arrangements skyrocket before flattening out
Total number of reports has stagnated over the past week Plans to reduce working hours reported by one in three companies
15.04.2020 | Press release no.24
Plans to reduce working hours reported by 725,000 companies
Number of reports rises by 12% in one week BA bolsters its workforce
14.04.2020 | Press release no.23
Drop in the number of annual sanctions
three out of four benefit reductions due to missed appointments
09.04.2020 | Press release no.22
Sharp growth in number of reported short-time working arrangements
Plans to reduce working hours reported by more and more companies
02.04.2020 | Press release no.21
Fake email being sent to employers on short-time working allowance
The Federal Employment Agency (BA) would like to warn employers about a fraudulent email. The senders want to access personal data.
02.04.2020 | Press release no.20
Short-time working allowance: additional income from sideline activities in important occupations
In light of the current crisis, the German government has made it easier for people to supplement their short-time working allowance. Anyone who helps out in systemically important sectors and occupations can now make up for their financial losses.
31.03.2020 | Press release no.19
Short-time work on the rise
Hubertus Heil (Federal Minister of Labour) and Detlef Scheele (Chairman of the BA) on the state of the German labour market in March
31.03.2020 | Press release no.18
The labour market in March 2020
Seasonal decline in unemployment before intensification of the corona crisis
30.03.2020 | Press release no.17
New regulations for basic security benefits
In light of the current situation, the German government has approved a welfare package to facilitate access to basic security benefits.
24.03.2020 | Press release no.16
Deadline for the submission of notices for the employment of disabled persons extended until 30 June 2020
Employers now have until 30 June 2020 to submit notices for the employment of disabled persons. The same applies to the payment of compensatory levies.
24.03.2020 | Press release no.15
Applications for basic security benefits to be simplified for the time being
The government is planning new temporary regulations for the consideration of assets and the temporary recognition of actual housing costs
20.03.2020 | Press release no.14
Noticeable rise in short-time working arrangements
After conducting monitoring interviews with all Agentur für Arbeit offices in Germany, the Federal Employment Agency (BA) has detected a sharp rise in short-time working arrangements in light of the current situation.
17.03.2020 | Press release no.13
Cash payments assured
Jobcenter and Agentur für Arbeit offices working behind closed doors
17.03.2020 | Press release no.12
Telephone network overloaded
calls to Jobcenter and Agentur für Arbeit limited to emergencies
15.03.2020 | Press release no.11
Personal contact to be reduced
Customers can still contact their Jobcenter and Agentur für Arbeit
28.02.2020 | Press release no.10
The labour market in February 2020
further stable development despite weak economy
24.02.2020 | Press release no.9
Applications for child allowance can now be made online
You can now make an application for child allowance online. It’s quick and easy, there’s no paperwork, and you can do it whenever and wherever you like.
17.02.2020 | Press release no.8
Better advice for the recognition of professional qualifications from abroad
Central Service Centre for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications opens in Bonn
31.01.2020 | Press release no.7
Child benefit applications are free through the Familienkasse
The regional Familienkassen (family funds) have recently noted a fresh rise in the number of child benefit applications submitted via commercial online providers who process child benefit applications for a fee.
30.01.2020 | Press release no.6
The labour market in January 2020
Rise in unemployment mainly due to seasonal factors
28.01.2020 | Press release no.5
Half of all applications for unemployment benefits are made online
The Federal Employment Agency (BA) has been taking online applications for unemployment benefits (ALG I) for the past five years, and almost half of all submissions are now digital.
14.01.2020 | Press release no.4
BA budget: Only a slight surplus in 2019
The Federal Employment Agency (BA) has increased its spending on unemployment benefits over the past year due to the state of the economy. The surplus of 2.1 billion euros is considerably lower than in previous years. A deficit of 1.3 billion euros is expected for this year.
03.01.2020 | Press release no.2
Annual review 2019 - Robust labour market development despite weak economy
“The labour market continued to prove its robustness in 2019. Despite the weaker economy, unemployment and underemployment decreased on average in 2019, and employment has risen again”, said the Chairman of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), Detlef Scheele, at today’s monthly press conference in Nuremberg.
03.01.2020 | Press release no.1
The labour market in December 2019 - the economic downturn can still be felt
“The labour market was largely stable at the end of the year, but we can still see the effects of the economic downturn”, said the Chairman of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), Detlef Scheele, at today’s monthly press conference in Nuremberg.